Sunday, January 23, 2011


If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done. ~Author Unknown

so basically i am a master at this!! i have about a trillion projects that i have started or need to start that i keep putting off. such as my daughters homecoming dress. which happens to be in six days and i haven't even cut it out yet!!!! i need some big help. i went to this class at church and they gave this seven day antiprocrastination plan. it actually makes sense and i really need to take what it says to heart more often in my life. i thought that maybe if i shared it on here that i would remember what it says and actually put it into action. so here it is:

Seven Day Antiprocrastination Pan

7 strategies to use that are tied to the days of the week to help you remember them

MONDAY-"Make it meaningful"

List all the benefits of completing the task you've been putting off. Be specific about the rewards for getting it done.

TUESDAY-"Take it apart"

Break beg jobs into small ones that you can do in 15 minutes of less. Even the biggest projects can be broken down into a series of small tasks.

WEDNESDAY-"Write an intention statement"

For example, if you can't get started on a term paper, you might write, "I intend to write a list of at least ten possible topics to write on by 9 p.m. tonight."

THURSDAY-"Tell everyone"

Publicly announce your intention to get a task done. Tell a friend that you intend to learn ten irregular French verbs by Saturday. Tell you spouse, roommate, parents, and children-- anyone who will ask whether you completed the assignment. Make the world your support group.

FRIDAY-"Find a reward"

Plan rewards for yourself carefully. Be willing to withhold them if you do not complete the task.

SATURDAY-"Settle it now"

Plunge into the task the minute you notice yourself procrastinating. Imagine yourself at a cold lake--gradual immersion would be torture. It would be less painful to just dive in.

SUNDAY-"Say no if you're not going to do it"

If you realize you are not going to do something, quit saying you will. By saying "no" you won't be procrastinating anymore.

{taken from Becoming a Master Student, 11th ed. by Dave Ellis}

So here i am on Wednesday-i intend to get Kayla's dress done by Friday afternoon and by writing it on my blog i am letting the whole world know so i can be held accountable for it. lol now to get to work.

The best way to get something done is to begin. ~Author Unknown

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cheerleading and Respect

Central Linn cheerleaders first dance of the basketball season. They did an awesome job. Good job girls!! Going to basketball games is one of the biggest things that we do now that Kayla is cheering. It has been very interesting having my children at the same school that I went to. It has changed so much from the time I went there. The things that the kids have to deal with these days is a little scary to me, but my kids rock and I never seem to have to worry about them. I have started working there also which is a huge change from actually going there. lol I have always thought about going back to school and finishing my teaching degree, but after watching what the teachers have to go through I'm not completely sure that I want to go back. Kids do not seem to have the same respect for adults today as when i went to school which really isn't that long ago. I'm just glad that it doesn't seem to be my kids that are being disrespectful. I guess we did a little bit right as we have raised them.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Starting again :)

I started a blog a few years ago but i kind of left it and it just didn't seem right to go back to it. So here i start a new one again. i hope to be more diligent in writing on this blog. Here i hope to document the happenings of life as i know it. We have a crazy, busy life!! Trying to keep up with three kids and all of their activities can be very crazy!!

Today I took Joe, Kayla, and my nieces Nikki and Taylor to watch Joe play church ball and then to the mall. It was a crazy day of putting together the craziest outfit in Burlington's coat factory, introducing them all to giant burritos from chipotle and seat dancing in the car to eighties music. I love hanging with my wild and crazy kids. They keep me on my toes for sure!